10 Common Productivity Mistakes & How to Avoid Them At All Costs

Productivity Mistakes to Avoid

To be successful, it's important to be productive. But what if you're not very good at being productive? Don't worry; you’re not alone. A study shows that the average office worker is productive, at maximum, 3 hours per day.

The good news is that you can do plenty of things to make yourself more productive. This blog post will discuss 10 common mistakes people make that lead to decreased productivity. We'll also provide tips on avoiding these mistakes and becoming more productive. So let's get started!

1. Not Knowing Your Priorities 

Getting caught up daily is easy, and losing sight of what's important. Make sure you take the time to identify your top priorities and focus on those first. 

Task list

For example, you can write a schedule for the following day. This schedule doesn't necessarily have to include every single moment of your day. Instead, it can have a list of tasks you need to do and an estimated amount of time you need to complete them, all listed according to importance.

Another way you can tackle this issue is by having a time or task management app. Using MagicTask as an example, you will have a clear list of your priorities, the tasks you need to do, and which subtasks are necessary to complete a project.

2. Trying To Do Too Much

One of the biggest productivity killers is trying to do too much. When you try to take on too many tasks at once, you're less likely to complete any of them effectively. This is because you'll be spreading yourself too thin and won't have enough time or energy to devote to any one task.

To avoid this, it's essential to learn to prioritize your tasks. Once you've identified your priorities, focus on those first, and don't try to take on anything else until you've completed the most critical tasks.

To not feel pressured to do too much, it's significant to set realistic goals for yourself. Don't try to accomplish more than you know you can. 

Finally, don't be afraid to delegate. If you have too much on your plate, ask for help from others. This will take some pressure off you and allow you to focus on what's essential.

3. Being Disorganized

A messy desk or cluttered workspace can lead to a decrease in productivity. Spend some time each day organizing your space so that you can work more efficiently.

The same goes for your computer and your tasks. Clean up your desktop, clear out your downloads, and run antivirus from time to time. As far as your tasks are concerned, clear the air with your clients, employees, and managers. Always be aware of what you are supposed to do, at what times, and how it relates to a larger project.

Using apps like MagicTask, which help you organize tasks and activities, is a great way to keep your work under control.

4. Procrastination

Putting off tasks will only make them take longer and increase your stress levels. If you're having trouble getting started, set a timer for a specific time and work on the task until the timer goes off.

One cause of procrastination is the uncertainty of not knowing what you're supposed to do. A task management app like MagicTask can help you organize your work and show how your task relates to a larger project (thanks to its subtask options).

A common cause is boredom. Gamifiying your work (MagicTask can help with that, too) can do wonders for your motivation. 

Another trick is using a timer. Set a timer for a specific amount of time and work on the task until the timer goes off. This will help you to get started and avoid putting off the job.

One more common cause of procrastination is fear of failure. This can be overcome by setting small goals and celebrating your accomplishments, no matter how small they may be.

5. Multitasking


Although it may seem like you're getting more done by multitasking, research has shown that it can decrease just how productive you can be– one of the more annoying productivity mistakes. When focusing on multiple tasks at once, you're likely to make more mistakes and have a more challenging time retaining information.

One way to combat this is to break up your tasks into smaller chunks. This will make it easier to focus on one task at a time and avoid becoming overwhelmed. 

People often make the mistake of trying to do too many things at once, which can make you less productive. This can be avoided by focusing on one task at a time and giving it your full attention. You can also try to prioritize your tasks according to importance so that you're not trying to do everything simultaneously.

6. Negative Self-talk

The way you talk to yourself can have a significant impact on your work, as well as the way you work. If you're constantly putting yourself down, getting motivated and staying focused will be more challenging. Make an effort to speak kindly to yourself and credit yourself for your accomplishments.

How to control negative self-talk:

  • Recognize when you're being negative towards yourself.
  • Remind yourself that you are capable and deserving of success.
  • Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
  • Seek out support from friends and family members.
  • Meditation and mindfulness can also help to quiet negative self-talk.

Some examples of positive mantras you can use as a little boost are:

  • I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to.
  • I am in control of my destiny.
  • I am doing the best that I can.
  • Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.

7. Not Taking Break

It's essential to take breaks throughout the day to rejuvenate yourself. Go for a walk, stretch, or grab a quick snack to help you stay focused and avoid burnout.

Although taking breaks throughout the day is important, many people don't realize its importance. Not taking breaks can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. It's significant to take a break to rejuvenate yourself and give your mind a chance to rest. Go for a walk, stretch, or grab a quick snack to help you get a bit more energy.

8. Working Long Hours

Working Long Hours

One of the more common mistakes is working too much. Working long hours can hurt every aspect of your work. When you're tired, it's harder to focus, and you're more likely to make mistakes. It's also harder to retain information when you're exhausted.

In addition to decreasing efficiency and productivity, working long hours can lead to health problems. You're more likely to get sick if you're not getting enough sleep and at risk of developing anxiety and depression.

If you're finding that you're working long hours regularly, it's essential to take a step back and reevaluate your work schedule. See if there are any ways you can cut back on your hours or if there are any tasks that can be delegated to someone else.

9. Distractions

Email, social media, and phone calls make it easy to get sidetracked. When focusing on a task, one of the more common productivity mistakes is forgetting to minimize distractions. 

This can be done by turning off notifications and setting specific times to check messages. You can also try to work in a quiet environment if possible. If you need to, you can set up a distraction-free workspace using an app like Freedom. Apps like that block other apps, and even websites, under certain conditions and for specific periods.

Another way to minimize distractions is to batch similar tasks together. For example, if you need to make a few phone calls, do them all at once instead of spreading them throughout the day. This will help you focus on one task at a time and avoid getting sidetracked.

10. Not Setting Goals

One of the biggest mistakes people make is not setting goals. When you don't have any plans, it's challenging to stay focused and motivated.

There are a few things you can do to set practical goals. First, make sure your goals are specific and measurable. This will make it easier to track your progress and stay on track. Second, set a deadline for your plan so that you have a timeline to work with. Finally, share your goals with someone else so that you're accountable and have someone help keep you motivated.

What you want when it comes to staying on track with your goals is to create a plan of action. This will outline the steps you need to take to achieve your goal. It's also essential to make sure your goals are realistic. When you're setting your goals, be sure to factor in things like available time and resources.


Productivity is key to a successful and efficient workday. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase it and get more done in less time. Implementing some of these tips may take a little practice, but soon you'll be on your way to becoming a business powerhouse.

Remember to use the tools you have at your disposal, such as MagicTask. It is the best tool to manage your daily task; it focuses on key productivity issues and ensures that the tasks are done smoothly while decluttering your mind.

If you're interested in turning work into a fun sign up here - https://app.magictask.io

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