What's New - Sprint 181
Jul 14 2023

In Sprint 181, we focused on addressing various bugs reported by our users. Our dedicated team of developers has been meticulously identifying and resolving these issues to ensure smoother and more reliable product performance. Thanks to your valuable feedback, we were able to tackle these bugs effectively and deliver a more stable user experience.
- 4098 - Users often encounter 'Out of Memory' errors.
- 4401 - Error occurs when a deactivated User1 is reactivated by User2 who is an admin of the workspace.
- 4132 - Sorting functionality in 'Admin Manage Workspace' and 'Manage Users' is not working.
- 4787 - Overlapping of "N/A" and "Added by" tooltips in task details.
- 4711 - Users get logged out when creating a new workspace using the 'Create workspace' option from the three dots menu in the test server environment.
- 4841 - The 'qa failed' tag has unexpectedly disappeared from the MT project.
- 4139 - Unable to update the assignee of a subtask.
- 4870 - Inaccurate leaderboard rank displayed for the current user across different pages.
- 4816 - Total points on the workspace leaderboard should include recurring tasks points.
- 4352 - Despite daily logins and numerous tasks created by a user, the 'Total Task' and 'Last Login' counters display incorrect information.
- 4715 - A screen reload is necessary to assign a task to a newly added member in a project.
- 4736 - Total points on the leaderboard display as zero despite the workspace having numerous tasks.
- 4836 - Duplicate workspaces appear on multiple pages of the global leaderboard.
- 4748 - The 'What's new' section in Superadmin doesn't display the most recent features.
- 4862 - Recurring tasks set for weekly recurrence at 10:00 AM are reflected incorrectly at 10:00 PM.
- 4815 - Total points displayed as zero on workspace leaderboard despite user having numerous tasks with many points.
- 4866 - The portfolio status is displaying incorrectly.
- 4378 - Inconsistency in Mytasks ID after new task assignment.
- 4817 - Total points in project details should also account for recurring task points.
- 4134 - Deletion of tasks from Mytask or Project in Superadmin doesn't decrease total task created count.
- 4810 - Newly created unassigned subtasks in a project aren't visible in Mytask pane until refresh.
- 4137 - Incorrect time displayed for new task creation.
- 4834 - Search function not finding tasks within Mytasks.
- 4000 - Mytasks fail to load after theme switching until hard refresh.
- 4856 - Users get logged out when clicking on their profile.
- 4005 - In Superadmin, tutorial progress count shows 29 despite incomplete tutorial section.
- 4750 - Search results display broken image and text (comment-attachment-0) for tasks with attached comments.
- 4756 - In Mytasks/Search, if a recurring task with unassigned subtasks is searched and a new task is added, the task ID appears duplicated.
- 4842 - Daily rollup emails are not being received.
- 4809 - Duplicate tags visible in project templates.
- 4131 - During the tutorial, the 'create a project' window appears behind the tutorial popup, hindering progress.
- 4129 - Recommended/used tags aren't displayed in a sorted order.
- 4144 - Newly created tasks in Mytask do not display without a screen refresh and appear second in the list.