What's New - Sprint 168
Feb 21 2023

We're excited to share with you the latest updates on our product. Over the past sprints, our team has been hard at work improving and adding new features to enhance your experience. We hope you find these updates useful and valuable. Here's a rundown of what we've been up to:
Bug Fixes
- Filter by tags is not working when trying to filter my tasks based on tags created in projects
- tags filter issue - when clicking on tags filter before data load the click does not work
- tags filter issue - when filtering my tasks on tags and refreshing the screen the tags filter dropdown is empty
- Assignee events fixed. Assignee modification or removal doesn't require a screen refresh
- Users signing up again in the system will no longer have issues. Issues with respect to Workspace creation and accepting invitations for existing users from new workspace is fixed
- Tag filter issues are fixed
- Users are unable to add a tag to team members My Tasks is fixed
- Points updating after moving tasks from in focus to the backlog or vice versa, and sequence updates are fixed
- issues on filter tasks by today and yesterday are fixed
- Daily roll-ups coming up twice are fixed
- Rollup data mismatch is addressed