What's New - Sprint 161
Jan 10 2023

- Design Updates to MCARS to increase the readability and overall look and feel.
- You can now use the community link in the "What's New Section" to join our community.
Tags Revamp
- Tags created in a project will be available only for that project. Tags created in My Tasks will only be available for that user's My Tasks.
- If you are creating a tag for a task that doesn't have a project, the auto-complete will only display the tags for My Tasks.
- If you are creating a tag for a task that has a project, the auto-complete will only display the tags for that project.
- If you are an admin and are in another user's My Tasks, and are creating a tag for a task that doesn't have a project, it will show the tags for that's users My Tasks.
- If you are an admin and are in another user's My Tasks, and are creating a new tag for a task that doesn't have a project, it will get created for that user's My Tasks.
- When filtering Tags in either a project or My Tasks, the only options available should be active tags.
Bug Fixes
- Some users are displaying owned 5 themes instead of 4 in the leaderboard individual section.
- When a project name is modified, the project names are automatically rearranged.
- In the leaderboard, on click of the Buy Now button, users are now navigated to the marketplace.
- When filtering by assignee, the subtasks assigned to other users shouldn't be displayed. This has been resolved.
- When we click "No thanks, tutorials are for plebs," the popup window user is unable to close it. This has been resolved.
- When user data entered in one workspace are showing up in another workspace. This has been resolved.
- After creating a new account with a workspace and then creating a new second workspace from the menu, the first workspace is not displaying to the user until a hard refresh. This has been resolved.
- When a user leaves the workspace, that user is still displayed on the owner/other user's workspace team section. This has been resolved.
- In the user profile section, the creation date is showing blank. This has been resolved.
- When using a filter and no results are showing, A message has been added that says, " No data to display ".
- While displaying Tasks that were created out of Recurring tasks, the verbiage has been changed from 'Recurring Every x Days' to 'Recurring every nth Day' for monthly recurring tasks. This has been resolved.
- The Leaderboard popup will be displayed based on mobile screen resolution. This has been resolved.
- The dropdown menu will appear in ABC order when you click on "Assignee." This has been resolved.
- When creating a new task from an existing one, the user cannot edit the assignee or size until after a hard refresh. This has been resolved.
- The comment field typing area has been expanded to 3-4 lines instead single line.
- In My Task Completed task points are not updated when the user opens them without a hard refresh. This has been resolved.
- New lines can be inserted in the comment section with key combinations shift + enter or control + enter.
- When a user does not have an active workspace, the user will be navigated to the login screen. Upon logging in, the workspace will be accepted and will not be redirected to the personal info screen.
- When a user or owner deletes a workspace in the leaderboard, the deleted workspace's individual section points and task counts are still displayed. This has been resolved.
- Only projects to which a user has access will be listed in the dropdown when assigning a project to a user. This has been resolved.
- When adding tags to a task, the tag text would get left inside the task itself in Project Screen. This has been resolved.
- Counters not updating on deleting a task for first-time users. This has been resolved.